The Minneapolis Jewish Federation Community Campaign year: explained

It’s about time: The Minneapolis Jewish Federation Community Campaign now aligns with the calendar year!

When you give a gift during 2019, you’re giving a gift to the 2019 Community Campaign. We trust this change will bring clarity to donors (and make all our lives easier).

So, how does the 2019 Community Campaign differ from previous Minneapolis Jewish Federation Community Campaigns? Let’s take a look:

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This year, as we work to align our campaign and fiscal years with the calendar year, the 2019 Community Campaign technically began in July of 2018, with a focus on gift solicitation during the 2019 calendar year.

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It’s a bit more complicated to make this change to our financial, allocation, and granting systems, but rest assured that we’ve worked with our agency partners and to develop a comprehensive plan for the transition, including providing bridge allocations in the fall of 2019 to help with the 19-month transition period.

When the ball drops January 1, 2020, our campaign and fiscal year will officially be synced with the calendar year.

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