Shabbat message: Our new normal


In a few hours, we will ease out of our “new normal” and into a constant that has sustained the Jewish people for thousands of years: Shabbat. And while our new normal will be ready and waiting for us when the wine extinguishes the havdallah candle tomorrow night, I think we can all use a break from the constant flood of distressing news and advice on hand-washing techniques.

Federation and all of its partners have been working on many concrete plans to deal with the crisis. Making sure we keep busy and connected is but one of them; TC Jewfolk is converting its community calendar into a calendar for the various online activities being planned. And I am happy to invite you to a virtual babka baking class with Federation’s Community Connector, Giti Fredman.

Speaking of staying connected, like most of you, the Federation staff have all been working very diligently from home. And we have had some help. As we welcome Shabbat and try to smile, here are pictures of Federation’s newest “furry volunteers.”


Shabbat Shalom and good health to you,
