We're all in this together: overseas update


Looking out of my window this morning, it would have been very easy to forget about the current state of our world.  The sun was pouring through the glass, chirping birds were actually visible and there was no snow on the roof next door. But of course, reality eventually set in, as it does every morning.

Though news coverage touches upon the challenging times people are facing everywhere, oftentimes it is as easy to forget that people all over the world are sharing the same leaky boat.  We at Federation have not forgotten our Jewish brothers and sisters around the globe who are less fortunate than we are who are battling COVID-19.  Our Board of Directors proudly approved a $360,000 emergency grant which is being split evenly by our two major overseas partners, the Jewish Agency for Israel and the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee.

The reaction to our global commitment as we also maintain our local community is a testament to the integrity and character for which our community is known, as well as to the commitment in our strategic plan to continue our support for world Jewry:

“Your ability to respond so quickly and so generously is incredible.
We know this is a time of great concern in your own community, so this Emergency Allocation for overseas speaks volumes about your faith in our partnership and work together."

Nadine Cohen
Vice President, Jewish Agency for Israel

We have also been tending the garden of people-to-people connections across the ocean during this difficult time.  Organized with our sister-city colleagues in Rehovot, our #FacingCorona2Gether interactive town hall had almost 100 participants from the Twin Cities and Israel, learning from experts and sharing current experiences.
Disney’s family sing-a-long last night ended with the number from High School Musical “We’re All in This Together."  Here in Minneapolis, we truly take that message to heart.

Shabbat Shalom,
